
Advantages and Disadvantages of Parallel Circuits

The power remains at the same voltage as the voltage of a single power source is the major disadvantage of parallel circuits. Parallel circuits have more than one output device or power source, so electricity has more than one path to flow. Another disadvantage in parallel circuits is that the energy from the source is usually split across the entire circuit. Therefore, there are varying currents flowing in the circuit. As a result, where a constant current is desired throughout, parallel circuits cannot be effectively used. Similarly, the resistance in parallel circuits is much lower. 
Parallel circuits also have many important advantages. For example, the bulbs connected in parallel circuits tend to have brighter light than those connected in series circuits. In addition, when one bulb is turned off, it does not affect the others. So you can easily found parallel circuits used in houses, such as microwaves, refrigerators, heaters and television sets. This system is capable of providing each appliance with the full mains voltage, and a homeowner can turn on one appliance without necessarily turning on another.
More info. about parallel circuits, welcome to www.epcb.com

