
Soldering Surface Mount Chips

There are several ways to successfully solder SMD components on a circuit board. Some are easier to learn, and some require using special materials (like solder paste, which is a mixture of powdered solder and flux) or special equipment (like SMD solder stations). Actually, you don’t need fancy equipment to do SMD soldering at home. You can easily do it with a soldering iron. 
If you are able to solder a resistor, it won’t be difficult for you to solder a surface mount chip as the method is similar. Start by applying some solder to one of the chip’s corner pads. Secondly, hold the chip in place while touching the corner pad with the tip of the soldering iron so that the heated solder can combine the pin with the pad. Next, check the alignment of the chip. If it is not in its place, then relocate it. Only you’re sure the chip place is perfect, can you move to the next step. Then you can solder on the opposite corner just like the one you have fixed. Finally, after all the pins have been soldered, you should inspect all the solder joints carefully with a loupe to check if there exist any bad joints or solder bridges. 
For more info., pls visit Shanghai EPCB.

